E.J. has adapted and made up a lot of the quotes, sayings, and Skullcrusherisms that he lives by, so if you find one here that either you, someone you know, or some other highly cool dude or gal has stated, then they get the credit not me, and just remember….”Great minds think alike!” HOOAH!!!
“The WILL to Survive will always outdo the skills to Survive!” In my book, Skills are great and make life easier, but let’s face it, if you do not have the WILL TO LIVE or SURVIVE, you will surely die!
“Hard times don’t last…hard men do!!!”
“Crushing Skulls on a Daily Basis!!!”
“I will sleep when I’m dead!”
“Ranger The F*ck Up!!!” Sort of like “Cowboy Up!” but tougher and a lot more hardcore, cause Rangers never quit!!! And besides, I’m a Giants fan and I hate Cowboys!!!
“Today’s a good a day as any to die, so let’s make that happen for the other guy, huh?!!!”
“Our meeting was no accident….it was god’s will!”
“That which does not kill us, only makes us stronger!”
“Pain is just weakness leaving the body and vomit is the evidence of that!”
“Life is TOUGH…..but it’s TOUGHER if you’re STUPID!!!”
“10 Men wizen LED, is better than a hundred without a head!!!”
“Attitude in Cuspis” which is Latin for “Attitude on Point!”
“I’m handing out lollipops and ass whoopins today….and I’m all out of lollipops!!!”
“You’re better off throwing ice water on a rattlesnake in a phone booth then tangle with the likes of me!!!”
“You’d have an easier time sand papering a grizzly bear’s ass then f*cking with me PAL!!!”
“LOOK PAL! I don’t want to go to jail today, and you definitely don’t want to go to the hospital…..so why don’t you just get to steppin, HUNH?!!!”
“Excuses are for quitters and losers!”
“Winners always want the ball when the game’s on the line!!!”

Clint Jivoin and EJ Snyder enjoying one fine Burger!!!
E.J. is a self-proclaimed Burger Conisurer, who is always on the lookout for another AWESOME Burger to make his list!!! Here's THE LIST:
Four Wind’s Ranger Burger, Marietta, Georgia. Good with Good Ole Georgia Sweet Tea.
Kuaina Burger, Oahu, Hawaii. Good with Kona Longboard Lager and pineapple.
Lexington Avenue Brewery Burger, Asheville, North Carolina. Good with any of their House Brews.
MAC’s Grubb Burger, Fayetteville, North Carolina. Good with Carolina Blonde Ale, but they also have a huge tap selection of other brews to choose from.
Lone Spur Café Burger, Prescott, Arizona. Good with Pure Water, Hell it is the desert!
Huske Hatdware's Taproom Pretzel Burger, Fayetteville, North Carolina. Good with Sweet Tea !
Red Robin's Royal Robin, any of the U.S. Chain Locations. This Burger comes with a Fried Egg! Try it...you'll like it!!! Goes down smooth with their famous Chocolate Shake Malt!!
Any Burger made on my grill, E.J.’s Patrol Base, North Carolina. Good with my FAVE Foster's Lager Oil Cans!