Survival, Self-Reliance, & Wilderness Skills.
E.J. is in the processes of putting together a package of training in the above mentioned areas for private groups no larger than ten to twelve at an affordable price. Contact E.J. for details, scheduling, and pricing.
E.J. feels no one should ever come up short when faced with a life-threatening situation. Learning how to survive a bad situation is an important skill as breathing his book!
E.J. is currently offering these following courses:
Basic Survival for the Everday Joe or Joan:
A course designed for the everyday person to give them a set of basic skills and confidence to aid them in a Survival Situation. It consists of some classroom instruction and a 3 day practical exercise to build confidence in a wilderness setting. E.J. has designed this course for folks of all back grounds, fitness levels, and ages. Here you will find the course attended by the factory worker, house wife, weekend camper, parent & child, and just about anyone who wants to get some go to basic skills to help them out in a tough situation. This course is not designed to make you an expert, let alone a Survivalist, but more of an introductory course to the begginer. It is center focused on having a good basic Survival Kit and making good sound Survival planning and descion making.
COST: $600 per person and if you bring a 2nd person, each of you get $100 off your total cost! Class Size is Limited to 20 Students.
Basic Land Navigation & Orienteering Course:
This is a 3 Day course and is designed to give you the basic aspects and skills involved with Land Navigation & Orienteering. It will give you the basic skills to navigate and build your confidence when moving through the wilderness. It consists of classroom instruction and is followed by practical exercise to build confidence when moving through the wilderness on foot, using various methods. You will learn how to read and use a map and compass. Use of GPS. Use of a Strip Map. Use of terrain association. Familiarization with non-traditinal navigation methods and practices to determine direction using stars, the sun, and fauna. Survival methods to determine direction and discuss direction determination when trying to Self-Rescue yourself out of a Survival Situation.
COST: $500 per person and if you bring a 2nd person, each of you get $50 off your total cost! Class Size is Limited to 20 Students.
Basic Wilderness Survival Course:
A course designed for the person to advance their primary set of Survival Skills and build upon an already set foundation of some Survival Training or Outdoor Skills to advance their knowledge in a Survival Situation. It consists of some classroom instruction lasting 4 days and a 2 day practical exercise to build confidence in a wilderness setting while being overseen and mentored by EJ and his Assistant Instructors. E.J. has designed this course for folks of all back grounds, that have some Survival Training or Outdoor Skills. Anyone who wants to advance their level of basic skills to better help them out in a tough situation. This course is designed to make you a Basic Survivalist and will involve some stress testing to insure you have retained the knowledge and can execute the Survival Skills when they matter most!
COST: $1200 per person and if you bring a 2nd person, each of you get $200 off your total cost! Class Size is Limited to 20 Students.
Knife Only Survival Course:
A course designed to TEST person's a primary set of Survival Skills to THE MAX!!! Your Survival Training, Outdoor Skills, and knowledge in a Survival Situation will be put to the TEST!!! It consists of a 3 day practical exercise to build confidence in a wilderness setting while ONLY using a Knife in a Survival Scenario and being overseen and mentored by EJ and his Assistant Instructors. E.J. has designed this course for folks with advanced and Proven Survival Training and Skills. Anyone who wants to advance their level of Survival Skills to better help them out in a tough situation. This course is designed to make you a Better and more Advance Survivalist and will involve some stress testing to insure you have retained the knowledge and can execute the Survival Skills when they matter most! It will seriously TEST you and kick you in the gut!!!
NOTE: We can Also set this up as a Edge Tool Only course, IE Tomahawks.
COST: $600 per person and if you bring a 2nd person, each of you get $100 off your total cost! Class Size is Limited to 10 Students.
Go-Bag Only Survival Course:
A course designed to TEST person's a primary set of Survival Skills to another level!!! Your Survival Training, Outdoor Skills, and knowledge in a Survival Situation will be put to the TEST!!! It consists of a 3 day practical exercise to build confidence in a wilderness setting while ONLY using a Go-Bag with particular Items you have (Open for Discussion here, choices, and items) with and Edge Tool of choice, in a Survival Scenario and being overseen and mentored by EJ and his Assistant Instructors. E.J. has designed this course for folks with advanced and Proven Survival Training and Skills. Anyone who wants to advance their level of Survival Skills to better help them out in a tough situation. This course is designed to make you a Better and more Advance Survivalist and will involve some stress testing to insure you have retained the knowledge and can execute the Survival Skills when they matter most! It will seriously TEST you and kick you in the gut!!!
NOTE: We can Also set this up as a we give you a Bag-O-Stuff kind of situation as well.
COST: $600 per person and if you bring a 2nd person, each of you get $100 off your total cost! Class Size is Limited to 10 Students.
We also conduct Mobile Training Courses and bring this 1st Class Training to you. We specialize in training for Companies as well, call for details!!! Some of our Clients include Eagle Med Air MEDEVAC and Aircare International!
Please check below for EJ s Class Schedule.

Motivational Speaking and Appearences:
E.J. is ready to motivate your projected audience with his larger than life personality, quick wit, charisma, humor and outstanding speaking ability, chuck full of real life experiences and colorful stories. EJ presents a Commanding Presence and Booming Voice.
Whatever the subject or the audience, E.J. is versed on many, many things such as Successes in Life, the Military, Survival, Military & U.S. history, Motivation, Anti-Bullying Campaign, and many other topics. E.J. can relate to all walks of life, ages, and backgrounds. E.J. especially loves talking and sharing with kids!!!
EJ has also motivated Sports Teams in their Locker Rooms and Fraternities at their Rally Events!!! He regualrly can be seen at many Cape Fear Heroes Pro Indoor Footbal Team Events and TKE Fraternity doing just this thing!!!
Appearences can be negiotiated based on the venuem, event, audience, and situation. EJ will come with a full display of his adventures and stories, many neat Survival type Items and pictures to look at, and can ven do demonstrations on Survival Skills as well!!!
Call today to negotiate your next speaking event with Us.
Rates plus expenses are negotiable depending on size of audience, location, and length of time on site: From $500 - $6,000.
Additional Fee for Pictures and Autographs: Charged at $1.00 per person in attendance of the event of venue!!!
***Military Balls, Seminars, Appearences, & Leader Developement get Special rates of $500 Flat fee, as well as ALL Local Fayetteville, NC Businesses of up to a 500 Person Audience.

Survival & Military Technical Expert and Advisor:
E.J. and his network of Survival & Military Associates are ready to assist you with your next Film, TV, or Video Project.
E.J. alone has over 25 years of military experience in leadership, training, combat operations, drill & ceremony, uniform wear, military customs & courtesies, and much, much more. E.J. has two years experience as an Army Drill Sergeant & three years as an Army Ranger Instructor. E.J.'s Associates all have as much, if not more experience, providing you and your project with decades, if not centuries of expertise at your disposal. E.J. and his Associates are ready to provide you the Technical and Realistic Expert Advise you seek in a professional manner. Everything from historical research, review of your script, on site 24 hour coverage, military train up & coaching, battle scene coreography, technical equipment, weapons, tactics, hand to hand combat, and vehicle advice for Military Projects.
E.J. has over 15 years as a Survival Expert, graduating from the US Army SERE Course in 1996, he was the Primary Instructor at the Florida Ranger Camp for Survival & Tracking, and has taught at the US Army SERE Course for over four years. E.J. has been honing his Survival Skills ever since. E.J.'s Associates possess a varying degree of different types of survival backgrounds, skill sets, and experience. E.J. and his Associates are ready to advise you on realistic survival scenarios and situations. E.J. specializes in the art of Military Survival, having taught Soldiers how to survive behind enemy lines. POW and Captivity advice is also available.
Call today to negotiate your next project with E.J. and for pricing.
OCT 23 - 25 ~ Introduction To Basic Survival Skills Joint Training w/ ADS.
NOV 6 - 8 ~ Introduction To Basic Survival Skills Joint Training w/ ADS.
NOV 16 - 20 ~ Basic Wilderness Survival Course.
DEC 4 - 6 ~ Introduction To Basic Survival Skills Joint Training w/ ADS.
*** Courses that don't meet the minimum fill requirement will be canceled and rescheduled!